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Alternative treatment options for spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition that affects the spinal cord, and it can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs. While there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for spinal stenosis, there are a number of alternative treatment options available that may help to relieve symptoms. In this blog we will cover the best evidence based treatments for spinal stenosis that don’t involve surgery, cortisone steroid injections or expensive unproven stem cell procedures.

Your MRI is useless

Your MRI isn’t magical. It’s just a picture. You’re a dynamic complex system that has an amazing ability to adapt. A picture doesn’t tell the whole picture of why or where you are experiencing pain. Everyday in my clinic I get someone who is sold on the idea that their MRI describes their exact pain.

What Causes Back Pain When Getting Out of a Chair?

Everyday I have at least one patient who tells me their back hurts when they get out of a chair. They usually come to me with a long history of MRI images showing arthritis in their facet joints, bulges, herniations and degenerative disc disease. So what causes back pain when getting out of a chair?

Our Cluneal Nerve Treatment Continues to Help People With Chronic Low Back Pain

We’ve known of 3 common nerves since 1957 that help 80% of people with low back pain! They’re called your cluneal nerves. The problem is most doctors just don’t learn about them and don’t have any tools to treat them. In my clinic in Tampa, FL I treat cluneal nerves with perineural injections, dry needling

Why does my back hurt more in the morning?

You wake up with your back hurting, every morning. It’s hard to get out of bed when you know the pain is waiting for you. And it seems like no matter what you do, pain just keeps coming back. Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve done ~30,000 dry needling & acupuncture treatments and most people

How bad the MRI looks DOES NOT predict the level of pain

How bad the MRI looks does not predict the level of pain. This has been proven with HUGE studies.
So why do doctors rely so heavily on MRI results? Well, in order to get paid by your insurance company there has to be a diagnosis that can be justified. What’s better than a picture where you can simply point to a structure and say this is the problem.

Why is my big toe numb?

If your big toe is numb, or if you’re having on-again, off-again episodes of numbness in your big toe, consider this as a warning sign that something bigger is going on. Big toe numbness can be a symptom of nerve irritation in the back. One of those bigger things that can make your big toe

Back Pain Patient Win!

Back pain is one of the most common problems I see in my Dry Needling clinic & Acupuncture Clinic in Tampa, FL. Here’s a quick patient win where for a 47 year old male who had a L5/s1 lumbar discectomy surgery. He was still dealing with pain and spasms 2 years later and taking muscle

Could your knee pain be coming from your back?

So this over the past couple of weeks I’ve been doing a lot of yardwork – we have this little creek that runs through our backyard and I’ve been cleaning out the bank to make it look nice. Well my back has gotten pretty sore from so much rotation when raking up and throwing leaves

Take care of small problems while they’re small

Today’s going to be a short blog with just some practical advice. It’s best to take care of a small problem while it’s still small and before it blows up in an atomic explosion of pain and dysfunction. At my Electro-Acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I help all kinds of pain conditions. If you had

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