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What Is Causing Pain on the Inside of My Knee?

Pain on the side of your knee is a common problem I see in the clinic. It’s funny, most people come to me worried about their meniscus or arthritis. But no one is talking about the Pes Anserine. The Pes Anserine is where many important muscles & tendons attach on the inside of your knee.

Prolozone Injections Are An Alternative Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee pain is one of the leading causes of a reduction in your quality of life’s because you have to use your legs for just about anything, so if they hurt, you don’t want to do much. Knee pain will limit your ability to exercise, play sports like golf, or simply keep up with your kids or grand kids, heck, just last week I had a patient say she couldn’t even walk down to her mailbox without stopping a bunch of times. I want to cover a “new” treatment for knee pain I use at my that your doctor probably hasn’t ever told you about called Prolozone Injections, so lets’ dive in.

Dry Needling For Runners in Tampa, FL

Dry needling is a great recovery tool for runners. Injury rate for runners is really high, somewhere between 30-75% of runners experience some kind of injury or set back each year. When you start increasing mileage or speed things can start to break down. Most runners just ignore those little ache, nags and pains but dry needling is an amazing recover tool that you can use all running season and post season to make sure you don’t miss a day of running!

What causes your knee to lock up? Hint: It’s not the meniscus

I hear it everyday – someone comes in after getting meniscus surgery because their knee was locking up and they still have pain. Patients with locked knee usually notice their knee locks up when going from sitting to standing or for no reason at all. The theory goes that a piece of a torn meniscus gets in the way and doesn’t let your knee unlock. But here’s the thing, there isn’t much scientific evidence that this meniscus surgery is necessary. What if I told you there was a key muscle in the back of your knee that unlocks it and most doctors completely forget about it and just go straight to surgery.

Why is my big toe numb?

If your big toe is numb, or if you’re having on-again, off-again episodes of numbness in your big toe, consider this as a warning sign that something bigger is going on. Big toe numbness can be a symptom of nerve irritation in the back. One of those bigger things that can make your big toe

Could your knee pain be coming from your back?

So this over the past couple of weeks I’ve been doing a lot of yardwork – we have this little creek that runs through our backyard and I’ve been cleaning out the bank to make it look nice. Well my back has gotten pretty sore from so much rotation when raking up and throwing leaves

Knee Arthritis Pain is Caused by Nerves

Your knee arthritis pain is caused by degeneration of cartilage or a torn meniscus, right? Every doctor you’ve been to has told you that, so it has to be right. Well it’s WRONG! There’s big scientific body of evidence showing that arthritis itself doesn’t cause pain, and the pain of arthritis (and maybe even arthritis

Acupuncture for knee pain

Acupuncture for knee pain Everyday I hear from patients that they have a torn meniscus or bone on bone knee cartilage or arthritis in their knee and their orthopedic surgeon doctors all tell them the same thing – they are going to need surgery. Well let’s talk about your options because 90% of knee pain

Why do I still have pain?

If you’re ever tweaked your back or hurt your knee, you know how annoying it can be. Everyone who’s missed out on things they enjoy doing will eventually ask, “Why do I still have pain?”.  The reality – PAIN IS COMPLEX. If it was easy to understand and deal with, then it wouldn’t be the

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