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Is your foot pain really plantar fasciitis?

You wouldn’t believe how often I see patients with chronic foot pain that’s failed treatment from their podiatrist. It’s the same story everytime. They were told they have plantar fasciitis. They’re bought every pair or orthotic shoes, tried night splints, and had multiple cortisone injections into their plantar fascia. And still their foot is killing them.Just last week I saw 3 new patients with this same story. Let’s dive in to the other causes of foot pain and what you can do for it!

Perineural Injection Therapy in Tampa, FL

Neural Prolotherapy (NPT has a new name Lyftogt Perinural Injection Treatment) is a simple and very effective treatment for pain. It uses injection of dextrose (a natural sugar molecule) near cutaneous nerves that extinguishes neurogenic pain and neurogenic inflammation. Perineural injection therapy (also called neural prolotherapy or Lyftogt perineural injection therapy) helps calm pain and reduce neurogenic inflammation almost immediately.

Our Cluneal Nerve Treatment Continues to Help People With Chronic Low Back Pain

We’ve known of 3 common nerves since 1957 that help 80% of people with low back pain! They’re called your cluneal nerves. The problem is most doctors just don’t learn about them and don’t have any tools to treat them. In my clinic in Tampa, FL I treat cluneal nerves with perineural injections, dry needling

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