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The Remarkable Healing Power of Ozone Injection Therapy for Chronic Pain and Arthritis

Ozone injection therapy is a novel medical treatment that involves injecting a mixture of ozone and oxygen into the body to alleviate pain. This therapy has been gaining recognition for its potential benefits in managing chronic pain conditions, particularly those related to musculoskeletal disorders. The key benefits of ozone injection for pain include reduced inflammation,

How Irritated Nerves Can Cause Your Pain

Ever throw your back out? Once it happens, it seems like you’re more prone to it happening again and again. You might get a year or 6 months until it happens again… but it will. And then it will happen more and more. The research shows that ~40% of low back pain cases come from

What Causes Numbness in My Arm When I Sleep?

Yesterday morning I had 3 back to back patients who had numbness and tingling in their arm. This is a common problem that can be caused by a couple of different issues. Let’s dive into what I see most in clinic. The Main Culprit for Arm Numbness When Sleeping The most common cause of arm

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