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It’s never just one thing that causes your pain

It’s never just one thing that causes your pain, in the end it comes down to a combination of things – how you move, how you recover/heal, but most importantly how your nervous system is working. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and

Healing isn’t linear

Healing isn’t Linear Healing isn’t magic – it takes time to happen. In the day to day it’s going to be up and down, two steps forward and one step back. I have this conversation every single day. We want change right now. We want to feel better because when you’re hurting life isn’t fun.

Back Pain Patient Win!

Back pain is one of the most common problems I see in my Dry Needling clinic & Acupuncture Clinic in Tampa, FL. Here’s a quick patient win where for a 47 year old male who had a L5/s1 lumbar discectomy surgery. He was still dealing with pain and spasms 2 years later and taking muscle

Is physical therapy good for my pain?

In the end, movement is essential to live a life with less pain. But the problem is most people want to jump straight to movement therapy when their body isn’t ready for it. There’s a sequence that has to happen before you can move with good biomechanics. Stacking physical therapy on top of a painful

Could your knee pain be coming from your back?

So this over the past couple of weeks I’ve been doing a lot of yardwork – we have this little creek that runs through our backyard and I’ve been cleaning out the bank to make it look nice. Well my back has gotten pretty sore from so much rotation when raking up and throwing leaves

Take care of small problems while they’re small

Today’s going to be a short blog with just some practical advice. It’s best to take care of a small problem while it’s still small and before it blows up in an atomic explosion of pain and dysfunction. At my Electro-Acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I help all kinds of pain conditions. If you had

Is your back tightness because of a muscle?

Is your back tightness because of a muscle? Back tightness and pain is so common that about 80% of us are going to deal with it at some point in our life. The downside is the way that most doctors understand and treat back tightness and pain is no different than it was 50 years

4 Different Causes of Headaches Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About

Headaches and migraines are super common and they can really affect your quality of life. Did your doctor tell you about ALL of the different causes of headaches? Unfortunately reaching for the Advil, Tylenol, rubbing your temples or even the stronger stuff like using neurologist-prescribed triptans, antihistamines, anti-seizure drugs, or antidepressants, to treat their pain.

Knee Arthritis Pain is Caused by Nerves

Your knee arthritis pain is caused by degeneration of cartilage or a torn meniscus, right? Every doctor you’ve been to has told you that, so it has to be right. Well it’s WRONG! There’s big scientific body of evidence showing that arthritis itself doesn’t cause pain, and the pain of arthritis (and maybe even arthritis

The Most Important Back Muscle You’ve Never Heard Of

At my Dry Needling Clinic & Orthopedic Acupuncture Clinic in Tampa, FL I see this story time and time again. A patient tells me that a few years ago they their back went out, sometimes they say they woke up with the pain but usually it’s after some routine activity. This was the first time that

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