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What Causes Back Pain When Getting Out of a Chair?

Everyday I have at least one patient who tells me their back hurts when they get out of a chair. They usually come to me with a long history of MRI images showing arthritis in their facet joints, bulges, herniations and degenerative disc disease. So what causes back pain when getting out of a chair?

Text Thumb Pain – Arthritis of the CMC Thumb Joint

What is Text Thumb? Text thumb is a real epidemic. Using our thumbs to text or type can wear out the thumb joint, leading to chronic pain from arthritis at the base your thumb. The sad thing is most docs treat text thumb the same way they did 30 years ago and those treatments are

Why is my big toe numb?

If your big toe is numb, or if you’re having on-again, off-again episodes of numbness in your big toe, consider this as a warning sign that something bigger is going on. Big toe numbness can be a symptom of nerve irritation in the back. One of those bigger things that can make your big toe

Are irritated nerves causing your plantar fasciitis?

Most people don’t realize that there are nerves in the bottom of your foot that can cause plantar fasciitis. So what’s up with that? How does this become an issue? How can you fix it? Plantar Fasciitis from Irritated Nerves All pain is experienced through the nerves. Damage to bodily tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments or

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