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Non-surgical Trigger Finger Treatment in Tampa, FL

Trigger finger can be an annoying and limiting condition, causing pain and discomfort when you try to bend or straighten your fingers. But now there is a new non-surgical treatment available at our clinic in Tampa, FL that can help alleviate the symptoms of trigger finger without the need for surgery! Come find out how we can help you get back to living life with free movement in your hands.

Frozen Shoulder – An Integrative Approach To Treating a Tricky Condition

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by severe pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, which can make even simple tasks such as dressing or brushing your hair difficult to do. Studies have shown that frozen shoulder occurs in up to between 5- 20% of individuals over the age of 40 and is more common among women than men. However, there are now integrative approaches available that combine evidence-based treatments with holistic therapies such as neurofunctional acupuncture, dry needling, and regenerative medicine for improved outcomes.

Dry Needling for Chronic Tennis Elbow

If it hurts when you go to open a door, shake a hand, and you’re limited from working out like you want to, then you know just how debilitating chronic tennis elbow can be. On average tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis will take 12-18 months to go away on it’s own (PMID: 28461918). When it comes to treatment options your regular doctor is going to only have a few options that really don’t work well. So what do you do when the anti-inflammatory medications, braces, physical therapy and cortisone injections just don’t work?

Piriformis Syndrome: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

I see a handful of patients every week who are diagnosed with “piriformis” syndrome. The traditional understanding is that the piriformis muscle sits right over the sciatic nerve, and if the piriformis muscle gets tight that it will irritate and mimic symptoms of sciatica. Traditional Piriformis syndrome classified as “pain and numbness in your glutes and maybe down the back of your leg”. Unfortunately I see people get diagnosed and treated for piriformis syndrome but it never fully goes away when they receive steroid injections. The good news is there is a better approach that can actually help get rid of piriformis syndrome once and for all.

Treating L5 Disc Herniation – Alternative treatment for disc herniation – A Case Study and Overview of How I treat

This week I saw a patient for a L5/S1 disc bulge who had already been to multiple orthopedic doctors who performed a lot of useless injections that didn’t help his pain in any way. These big orthopedic practices had hit a wall in figuring out this patients symptoms. Let me walk you through what I did differently and how this approach can help you with your L5 Disc Herniation get the care you need to actually get out of pain!

Alternative treatment options for spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition that affects the spinal cord, and it can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs. While there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for spinal stenosis, there are a number of alternative treatment options available that may help to relieve symptoms. In this blog we will cover the best evidence based treatments for spinal stenosis that don’t involve surgery, cortisone steroid injections or expensive unproven stem cell procedures.

Your MRI is useless

Your MRI isn’t magical. It’s just a picture. You’re a dynamic complex system that has an amazing ability to adapt. A picture doesn’t tell the whole picture of why or where you are experiencing pain. Everyday in my clinic I get someone who is sold on the idea that their MRI describes their exact pain.

Dry needling for sciatica 

Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that can be very debilitating. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from this condition, you know how frustrating and painful it can be. There are many treatments available for sciatica, but some people find that they don’t respond well to traditional treatments like physical therapy and cortisone injections. The good news is there’s a different option called dry needling for sciatica that is specifically designed to help treat pain, and can especially help sciatica.

Are your headaches coming from your neck?

You wouldn’t believe how many people with chronic headaches and migraines I see on a weekly basis who have been put through the ringer – they’ve usually traveled to Jacksonville to meet with a team of doctors at the Mayo Clinic. They’ve exhausted the laundry list of medications that have been thrown at them. They get botox injections every 3 months to try and calm their headaches and migraines. But still – they get those debilitating headaches regularly. So what’s missing? Why isn’t anything helping?

Is your foot pain really plantar fasciitis?

You wouldn’t believe how often I see patients with chronic foot pain that’s failed treatment from their podiatrist. It’s the same story everytime. They were told they have plantar fasciitis. They’re bought every pair or orthotic shoes, tried night splints, and had multiple cortisone injections into their plantar fascia. And still their foot is killing them.Just last week I saw 3 new patients with this same story. Let’s dive in to the other causes of foot pain and what you can do for it!

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