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The Most Important Back Muscle You’ve Never Heard Of

At my Dry Needling Clinic & Orthopedic Acupuncture Clinic in Tampa, FL I see this story time and time again. A patient tells me that a few years ago they their back went out, sometimes they say they woke up with the pain but usually it’s after some routine activity. This was the first time that

Ring Finger Surgery Alternative with Dry Needling and Electro-Acupuncture in Tampa, FL

How does the ring finger surgery alternative of Dry Needling and Electro-Acupuncture compare with ring finger surgery recovery? At my dry needling and orthopedic acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I treat ring finger pain with advanced procedures on a regular basis. For starters, the ring finger surgery alternative involves dry needling & electro-acupuncture which has no

Dry needling for trigger finger helps patient avoid surgery

Can dry needling & neurofunctional acupuncture help trigger finger without surgery?  DM is a middle aged gentleman who developed trigger finger in his ring finger. Through the years he developed triggering and catching when he moved his ring finger. He became unable to flex that finger more than about half way and noticed his finger

Does Dry Needling work for Plantar Fasciitis?

Does Dry Needling work for Plantar Fasciitis? The short answer, YES! At my Dry Needling Clinic in Tampa, FL I help people recover and prevent plantar fasciitis every single day. The types of patients I see with plantar fasciitis range from the 60+ year olds who wore the wrong shoes and took a walk and

What does dry needling do?

You might have heard of dry needling from a friend and now you’re wondering what does it do? I know it’s a weird name and it can even sound a little intimidating – NEEDLING. But it’s a safe and effective minimally invasive procedure that can help to reduce and even eliminate pain. Most high level

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