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Gluteus Medius Pain – What it is, what causes it, and what you can do about it

What causes gluteus medius pain? What are the different types of injuries that happen to the gluteus medius? What are your treatment options? Is there something other than just rest, ice, physical therapy or a cortisone injection? What happens if you do nothing? Let’s explore what’s going on with your gluteus medius and what you can do for it.

Why is my QL muscle always tight?

Why is my QL muscle always tight? First we need to understand that your L5 vertebrae #1 spot in your low back that has a lot of forces on it, so it wants to be stable at all costs. The QL is a strong stabilizing muscle that attaches directly off your L5 vertebrae to stabilize

Piriformis Syndrome: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

I see a handful of patients every week who are diagnosed with “piriformis” syndrome. The traditional understanding is that the piriformis muscle sits right over the sciatic nerve, and if the piriformis muscle gets tight that it will irritate and mimic symptoms of sciatica. Traditional Piriformis syndrome classified as “pain and numbness in your glutes and maybe down the back of your leg”. Unfortunately I see people get diagnosed and treated for piriformis syndrome but it never fully goes away when they receive steroid injections. The good news is there is a better approach that can actually help get rid of piriformis syndrome once and for all.

Your MRI is useless

Your MRI isn’t magical. It’s just a picture. You’re a dynamic complex system that has an amazing ability to adapt. A picture doesn’t tell the whole picture of why or where you are experiencing pain. Everyday in my clinic I get someone who is sold on the idea that their MRI describes their exact pain.

Why does my shoulder hurt when I reach across my body? 

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and keep it in place. These muscles and tendons help lift the arm and rotate it inwards and outwards. The shoulder is a super complex joint that has the most range of motion in the body, which inherently makes it

Our Cluneal Nerve Treatment Continues to Help People With Chronic Low Back Pain

We’ve known of 3 common nerves since 1957 that help 80% of people with low back pain! They’re called your cluneal nerves. The problem is most doctors just don’t learn about them and don’t have any tools to treat them. In my clinic in Tampa, FL I treat cluneal nerves with perineural injections, dry needling

Don’t get a cortisone shot, try Prolotherapy instead!

Do you have chronic pain? Some common areas people have pain are their back, knee, neck, shoulder, hip, elbow and foot. Cortisone shots are sold as a quick fix, but they only provide relief for a short period of time and have been proven to actually be harmful. In this article we’ll discuss the side

Text Thumb Pain – Arthritis of the CMC Thumb Joint

What is Text Thumb? Text thumb is a real epidemic. Using our thumbs to text or type can wear out the thumb joint, leading to chronic pain from arthritis at the base your thumb. The sad thing is most docs treat text thumb the same way they did 30 years ago and those treatments are

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