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Dry Needling for TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)

What is TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)? TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a common condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. It can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and neck, making it difficult for individuals to perform simple daily activities like eating and speaking. In this article, we will provide

Non-surgical Trigger Finger Treatment in Tampa, FL

Trigger finger can be an annoying and limiting condition, causing pain and discomfort when you try to bend or straighten your fingers. But now there is a new non-surgical treatment available at our clinic in Tampa, FL that can help alleviate the symptoms of trigger finger without the need for surgery! Come find out how we can help you get back to living life with free movement in your hands.

Why is my QL muscle always tight?

Why is my QL muscle always tight? First we need to understand that your L5 vertebrae #1 spot in your low back that has a lot of forces on it, so it wants to be stable at all costs. The QL is a strong stabilizing muscle that attaches directly off your L5 vertebrae to stabilize

What is Neurofunctional Acupuncture?

Neurofunctional acupuncture is a powerful tool that can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. It is based on the understanding that the nervous system is responsible for coordinating all of the body’s functions, including movement, pain, and sensation. By stimulating the nervous system with acupuncture needles, we can help to restore balance and function to the body.

Re-thinking Plantar Fasciitis: Everything you need to know about fixing foot pain

Up until the early 2000’s we labeled foot pain especially on the bottom of the heel as “plantar fasciitis”. The idea was the connective tissue (fascia) on the bottom of the foot was inflamed and causing pain due to overuse.

Because the thought process was plantar fascia was inflamed the treatments (and still the most common approach) was to decrease inflammation with ice, medications like NSAIDs and rest. When this didn’t work rest, orthotics, physical therapy to stretch the foot / calf and cortisone injections were then used.

The problem is these methods don’t work for the vast majority of people and studies show that over 50% of patients still have foot pain 15 years after it starts!

Neural Fascial Acupuncture

Neural Fascial Acupuncture is a modern approach to treating chronic pain being pioneered by Dr. Josh Hanson, DACM. It works by reducing mechano-sensitivity (those really tender spots you press on) by realigning collagen fibers and restoring range of motion to our fascial system (the stuff that connects all your muscles together).

Shoulder Pain – Rotator Cuff Tears & Integrative Options

Rotator cuff tears can be a painful and debilitating injury, limiting range of motion in the shoulder and causing difficulty with everyday activities. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles located around the shoulder joint which help to stabilize it during movement. Tears occur when there is damage to one or more of these muscles, resulting in pain and decreased mobility. In some cases, surgery may be necessary for treatment but luckily there are also integrative options available that can provide relief from pain and limited range of motion associated with rotator cuff tears.

Frozen Shoulder – An Integrative Approach To Treating a Tricky Condition

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by severe pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint, which can make even simple tasks such as dressing or brushing your hair difficult to do. Studies have shown that frozen shoulder occurs in up to between 5- 20% of individuals over the age of 40 and is more common among women than men. However, there are now integrative approaches available that combine evidence-based treatments with holistic therapies such as neurofunctional acupuncture, dry needling, and regenerative medicine for improved outcomes.

Dry Needling for Chronic Tennis Elbow

If it hurts when you go to open a door, shake a hand, and you’re limited from working out like you want to, then you know just how debilitating chronic tennis elbow can be. On average tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis will take 12-18 months to go away on it’s own (PMID: 28461918). When it comes to treatment options your regular doctor is going to only have a few options that really don’t work well. So what do you do when the anti-inflammatory medications, braces, physical therapy and cortisone injections just don’t work?

Piriformis Syndrome: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

I see a handful of patients every week who are diagnosed with “piriformis” syndrome. The traditional understanding is that the piriformis muscle sits right over the sciatic nerve, and if the piriformis muscle gets tight that it will irritate and mimic symptoms of sciatica. Traditional Piriformis syndrome classified as “pain and numbness in your glutes and maybe down the back of your leg”. Unfortunately I see people get diagnosed and treated for piriformis syndrome but it never fully goes away when they receive steroid injections. The good news is there is a better approach that can actually help get rid of piriformis syndrome once and for all.

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