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Being proactive vs reactive with pain.

As we age we’re going to get aches and pains. Those little nags are warnings. Warnings that if ignored turn from small strains to big events that blow up. These problems compound and become so big that it resets our baseline level of fitness, performance, and activity. I’ve heard so many stories of a little backache

Are your headaches coming from your neck?

You wouldn’t believe how many people with chronic headaches and migraines I see on a weekly basis who have been put through the ringer – they’ve usually traveled to Jacksonville to meet with a team of doctors at the Mayo Clinic. They’ve exhausted the laundry list of medications that have been thrown at them. They get botox injections every 3 months to try and calm their headaches and migraines. But still – they get those debilitating headaches regularly. So what’s missing? Why isn’t anything helping?

Perineural Injection Therapy in Tampa, FL

Neural Prolotherapy (NPT has a new name Lyftogt Perinural Injection Treatment) is a simple and very effective treatment for pain. It uses injection of dextrose (a natural sugar molecule) near cutaneous nerves that extinguishes neurogenic pain and neurogenic inflammation. Perineural injection therapy (also called neural prolotherapy or Lyftogt perineural injection therapy) helps calm pain and reduce neurogenic inflammation almost immediately.

What Is Causing Pain on the Inside of My Knee?

Pain on the side of your knee is a common problem I see in the clinic. It’s funny, most people come to me worried about their meniscus or arthritis. But no one is talking about the Pes Anserine. The Pes Anserine is where many important muscles & tendons attach on the inside of your knee.

What Causes Numbness in My Arm When I Sleep?

Yesterday morning I had 3 back to back patients who had numbness and tingling in their arm. This is a common problem that can be caused by a couple of different issues. Let’s dive into what I see most in clinic. The Main Culprit for Arm Numbness When Sleeping The most common cause of arm

What causes Crick in Neck when I wake up?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and your neck is stiff and it’s hard to turn to one side? Some people call this a crick in their neck. Most describe it as the type of stiffness that makes changing lanes hard when you’re driving. Let’s dive into what’s actually causing a crick in

What Causes Back Pain When Getting Out of a Chair?

Everyday I have at least one patient who tells me their back hurts when they get out of a chair. They usually come to me with a long history of MRI images showing arthritis in their facet joints, bulges, herniations and degenerative disc disease. So what causes back pain when getting out of a chair?

Can acupuncture help with nerve pain from shingles?

The short answer is, YES! Acupuncture can help with the nerve pain from shingles. Acupuncture works directly on the TRPV1 nerve receptor that causes the common burning pain you feel with shingles. If you want to dive into a scientific study that proves acupuncture helps shingles pain, then keep reading. Otherwise, just click the book

Our Cluneal Nerve Treatment Continues to Help People With Chronic Low Back Pain

We’ve known of 3 common nerves since 1957 that help 80% of people with low back pain! They’re called your cluneal nerves. The problem is most doctors just don’t learn about them and don’t have any tools to treat them. In my clinic in Tampa, FL I treat cluneal nerves with perineural injections, dry needling

Don’t get a cortisone shot, try Prolotherapy instead!

Do you have chronic pain? Some common areas people have pain are their back, knee, neck, shoulder, hip, elbow and foot. Cortisone shots are sold as a quick fix, but they only provide relief for a short period of time and have been proven to actually be harmful. In this article we’ll discuss the side

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