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Is your foot pain really plantar fasciitis?

You wouldn’t believe how often I see patients with chronic foot pain that’s failed treatment from their podiatrist. It’s the same story everytime. They were told they have plantar fasciitis. They’re bought every pair or orthotic shoes, tried night splints, and had multiple cortisone injections into their plantar fascia. And still their foot is killing them.Just last week I saw 3 new patients with this same story. Let’s dive in to the other causes of foot pain and what you can do for it!

Why does my shoulder hurt when I reach across my body? 

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and keep it in place. These muscles and tendons help lift the arm and rotate it inwards and outwards. The shoulder is a super complex joint that has the most range of motion in the body, which inherently makes it

How Irritated Nerves Can Cause Your Pain

Ever throw your back out? Once it happens, it seems like you’re more prone to it happening again and again. You might get a year or 6 months until it happens again… but it will. And then it will happen more and more. The research shows that ~40% of low back pain cases come from

What Is Causing Pain on the Inside of My Knee?

Pain on the side of your knee is a common problem I see in the clinic. It’s funny, most people come to me worried about their meniscus or arthritis. But no one is talking about the Pes Anserine. The Pes Anserine is where many important muscles & tendons attach on the inside of your knee.

What Causes Numbness in My Arm When I Sleep?

Yesterday morning I had 3 back to back patients who had numbness and tingling in their arm. This is a common problem that can be caused by a couple of different issues. Let’s dive into what I see most in clinic. The Main Culprit for Arm Numbness When Sleeping The most common cause of arm

What causes Crick in Neck when I wake up?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and your neck is stiff and it’s hard to turn to one side? Some people call this a crick in their neck. Most describe it as the type of stiffness that makes changing lanes hard when you’re driving. Let’s dive into what’s actually causing a crick in

Prolozone Injections Are An Alternative Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee pain is one of the leading causes of a reduction in your quality of life’s because you have to use your legs for just about anything, so if they hurt, you don’t want to do much. Knee pain will limit your ability to exercise, play sports like golf, or simply keep up with your kids or grand kids, heck, just last week I had a patient say she couldn’t even walk down to her mailbox without stopping a bunch of times. I want to cover a “new” treatment for knee pain I use at my that your doctor probably hasn’t ever told you about called Prolozone Injections, so lets’ dive in.

Text Thumb Pain – Arthritis of the CMC Thumb Joint

What is Text Thumb? Text thumb is a real epidemic. Using our thumbs to text or type can wear out the thumb joint, leading to chronic pain from arthritis at the base your thumb. The sad thing is most docs treat text thumb the same way they did 30 years ago and those treatments are

Why is my big toe numb?

If your big toe is numb, or if you’re having on-again, off-again episodes of numbness in your big toe, consider this as a warning sign that something bigger is going on. Big toe numbness can be a symptom of nerve irritation in the back. One of those bigger things that can make your big toe

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