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How Do Ozone (Prolozone) Injections Work?

Ozone injection therapy, involving the injection of ozone gas into the affected area, has been explored as a treatment for various chronic pain conditions. Here are several mechanisms through which ozone therapy may exert its effects: What conditions are prolozone injections good for? Prolozone therapy, a form of regenerative injection therapy that incorporates ozone, has

The Remarkable Healing Power of Ozone Injection Therapy for Chronic Pain and Arthritis

Ozone injection therapy is a novel medical treatment that involves injecting a mixture of ozone and oxygen into the body to alleviate pain. This therapy has been gaining recognition for its potential benefits in managing chronic pain conditions, particularly those related to musculoskeletal disorders. The key benefits of ozone injection for pain include reduced inflammation,

Cortisone Injection Vs Prolozone (Regenerative Injection) For Joint Pain

Steroid injections are generally just a bad idea. Especially when it comes to joint pain. They might help in the short term for 3 months if you’re lucky but long term they lead to further arthritis, degeneration and the need for joint replacement. Cortisone injections are actually toxic to our cells – the dose given

Why does my shoulder hurt when I reach across my body? 

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and keep it in place. These muscles and tendons help lift the arm and rotate it inwards and outwards. The shoulder is a super complex joint that has the most range of motion in the body, which inherently makes it

How Irritated Nerves Can Cause Your Pain

Ever throw your back out? Once it happens, it seems like you’re more prone to it happening again and again. You might get a year or 6 months until it happens again… but it will. And then it will happen more and more. The research shows that ~40% of low back pain cases come from

Are irritated nerves causing your plantar fasciitis?

Most people don’t realize that there are nerves in the bottom of your foot that can cause plantar fasciitis. So what’s up with that? How does this become an issue? How can you fix it? Plantar Fasciitis from Irritated Nerves All pain is experienced through the nerves. Damage to bodily tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments or

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