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Why does acupuncture work for anxiety?

Why does acupuncture work for anxiety? Acupuncture isn’t just for pain, it also works for anxiety and is drug and medication free! Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for a wide variety of problems and anxiety is a problem that’s been around since the beginning of time. At my clinic I practice acupuncture

Can Acupuncture Help Allergies?

Can acupuncture help allergies? The short answer is yes! I use Acupuncture for allergies at my acupuncture clinic in Tampa every single day and it works so well! Let me jump into how acupuncture can help your allergies and why you should give it a try!

Can Acupuncture Help Me Ovulate?

YES, Acupuncture has been proven to help stimulate ovulation even with a diagnosis of PCOS. In my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I specialize in helping women ovulate, especially if they have been diagnosed with PCOS. Let me walk you through a few of the many studies that show acupuncture can help to normalize your hormones and stimulate ovulation.

When to get acupuncture for fertility?

When to get acupuncture for fertility? There’s no bad time to get acupuncture for fertility but the truth is, the earlier you start the better. At my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I work with couples at every single stage of the process. As far as effectiveness, like anything, the benefits really happen when

Should you track your Basal Body Temperature (BBT)?

Should you track your basal body temperature (BBT)? YES! Your basal body temperature (BBT) is a really good indicator of your overall fertility potential. By tracking very slight changes in your body temperature we can understand when you’re most likely to be fertile. At my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I’ve analyzed 100’s of

Can Acupuncture Help With PCOS?

Can acupuncture help with PCOS PCOS is such a common problem these days that 1 out of 10 women will be diagnosed with it each year. It is one of the main contributors to infertility in America. The good news is that acupuncture is proven to help with a number of the problems that PCOS

acupuncture for fertility

4 Steps to find out if you ovulate on your own

4 Steps to find out if you ovulate on your own Ovulating on your own is one of the keys to getting pregnant naturally. As an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility acupuncture in Tampa, FL I help women who don’t ovulate on their own every single day. A number of conditions can cause you to

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Fertility Treatment in Tampa, FL?

When it comes to fertility treatments there used to be only 2 options. The first is to take fertility medications that force you to ovulate like clomid and the second type of treatment is IUI or IVF. I have no bias here, I work with and support couples every single day who are taking fertility

The problem of hyper specialization in pain / orthopedics

The problem of hyper specialization in pain / orthopedics Our modern system of hyper-specialization is broken – got neck pain then you’re referred to a neck guy who only looks at your neck. Got big toe pain then you’re referred to the big toe guy who only looks at your big toe. You get my

It’s never just one thing that causes your pain

It’s never just one thing that causes your pain, in the end it comes down to a combination of things – how you move, how you recover/heal, but most importantly how your nervous system is working. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and

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