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Top 5 Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture Benefits Acupuncture has been used for literally thousands of years. At my acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I use acupuncture everything I’m about to talk about. Everyday I’m amazed at just how powerful acupuncture can be!   Acupuncture can Relieve back pain, neck pain & shoulder painThese are the most common pain problems people are

Acupuncture for knee pain

Acupuncture for knee pain Everyday I hear from patients that they have a torn meniscus or bone on bone knee cartilage or arthritis in their knee and their orthopedic surgeon doctors all tell them the same thing – they are going to need surgery. Well let’s talk about your options because 90% of knee pain

Acupuncture can help with anxiety, here’s my gameplan

Acupuncture can help anxiety. Anxiety happens when there’s a mismatch between how your nervous system and your brain perceive something. It’s just simple physiology. Calm the nervous system down and anxious thoughts melt away. I want to walk you through my approach to helping anxiety, since it’s becoming an epidemic. At my acupuncture clinic in

Acupuncture for Rotator Cuff Pain

At my Orthopedic Acupuncture & Dry Needling clinic in Tampa, FL, I treat rotator cuff shoulder shoulder pain every single day. I am usually able to help just about every kind of shoulder pain with the advanced techniques I use. The most common issues Orthopedic Acupuncture & Trigger Point Dry Needling can help are: Torn

The 3 main causes of stress

90% of doctors visits are caused by stress according to Harvard. So let’s break down what stress actually is and go over some strategies I use in my acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL to help people take control of their stress!  What is stress? It’s more complex than that feeling you get when you’re rushed

Cervical mucus – why it’s important and how to make more

At my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL, I talk a lot about cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is a really good sign that your body is ready for some baby making time. It’s one of those subtle signs that most doctors don’t pay much attention to.. But in Chinese Medicine (and all of reproductive medicine)

Optimizing fertility with acupuncture

At my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL, I help women & men optimize their fertility everyday. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying naturally or using reproductive technology like IUI/IVF, Acupuncture is something you NEED in your life! Research shows a huge improvement in live birth rates for patients who use acupuncture. Acupuncture boosts fertility

The scoop on Acupuncture before IVF

At my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL, I help women + men at every stage of their fertility journey. So let me give you the scoop on acupuncture before and during an IVF cycle.  The skinny on acupuncture before IVF It’s worth doing. Getting the right dose of acupuncture before egg retrieval & embryo

What is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine is the original functional medicine. It’s a combination of root cause diagnosis & tools like acupuncture + herbal medicine to help your body function better. It has been continuously practiced and improved upon for over 3000 years. The best doctors across millennia have written down their case studies so people like me can

Using Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine to treat PCOS

Over the last 5 years, I’ve seen more and more women come into to my clinic Hanson Complete Wellness in Tampa, FL for acupuncture & herbal medicine to treat PCOS. Sometimes these women are working with a RE (reproductive endocrinologist) and going through the IVF process and sometimes they just want to get things under

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