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Acupuncture for Back Pain

Acupuncture for Back Pain In my clinic in Tampa, FL one of the most common problems I use acupuncture for is low back pain. One of the most common problems I see are Herniated / bulging discs that cause low back pain. Let’s talk about how acupuncture can help this common problem without surgery! The

Acupuncture for knee pain

Acupuncture for knee pain Everyday I hear from patients that they have a torn meniscus or bone on bone knee cartilage or arthritis in their knee and their orthopedic surgeon doctors all tell them the same thing – they are going to need surgery. Well let’s talk about your options because 90% of knee pain

You probably don’t need another MRI

I get it, you want to know what’s going on. Unfortunately, MRI is an abused tool that has this expectation of giving you the precise cause of your pain, which is a myth both physicians and patients both believe. But when you take a step back you realize it’s made docs lazy. What Is MRI?

Surgery can’t fix every problem

Surgery CAN’T fix every problem. We’ve been sold this idea that surgery is the solution for just about anything that hurts. But I’m here to tell you, that’s not the case! When surgery is appropriate, it can be life saving…. But for most pains you will experience in your life it shouldn’t be an option

Acupuncture for Rotator Cuff Pain

At my Orthopedic Acupuncture & Dry Needling clinic in Tampa, FL, I treat rotator cuff shoulder shoulder pain every single day. I am usually able to help just about every kind of shoulder pain with the advanced techniques I use. The most common issues Orthopedic Acupuncture & Trigger Point Dry Needling can help are: Torn

Example of a Sports Acupuncture session in Tampa, FL

Sports Acupuncture combine is super useful tool for both weekend warriors and athletes looking to stay in the game. After a careful evaluation, Dr. Josh Hanson, DACM works to restore function and connectivity to muscles that might not be working their best. This usually involves a combination of both dry needling and specialized electro-acupuncture. Here’s

What does dry needling do?

You might have heard of dry needling from a friend and now you’re wondering what does it do? I know it’s a weird name and it can even sound a little intimidating – NEEDLING. But it’s a safe and effective minimally invasive procedure that can help to reduce and even eliminate pain. Most high level

Why do I still have pain?

If you’re ever tweaked your back or hurt your knee, you know how annoying it can be. Everyone who’s missed out on things they enjoy doing will eventually ask, “Why do I still have pain?”.  The reality – PAIN IS COMPLEX. If it was easy to understand and deal with, then it wouldn’t be the

The Most Experienced Dry Needling Near Me in Tampa, FL

What is dry needling? Dry needling is a targeted treatment for musculoskeletal pain that eliminates myofascial trigger points and restores range of motion. Dry Needling is a technique designed to treat trigger points and their referred pain patterns. Other terms commonly used to describe dry needling, include Orthopedic Acupuncture,Trigger point dry needling, and Intramuscular manual

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