Should you track your Basal Body Temperature (BBT)?

Should you track your basal body temperature (BBT)?

YES! Your basal body temperature (BBT) is a really good indicator of your overall fertility potential. By tracking very slight changes in your body temperature we can understand when you’re most likely to be fertile. At my fertility acupuncture clinic in Tampa, FL I’ve analyzed 100’s of women’s basal body temperature charts to help optimize their fertility.

After analyzing 100s of BBT charts personally and studying with mentors who have seen 7,000+, I’ve noticed some very specific trends.

Follicular Phase Basal Body Temperature Trends

During the first half of your cycle Estrogen is the dominant hormone, it helps you build and grow.
Ideally your BBT is around 97.2-97.4 during this phase.

Ovulation Basal Body Temperature

After ovulation your temperature will rise slightly, when it has risen consistently for 3 days in a row we can assume ovulation occurred.

Luteal Phase Basal Body Temperature Trends

The dominant hormone during this time is Progesterone and an ideal BBT is 98.2+.

The good news

If your BBT is out of wack in any way there is a lot that can be done. You’d be surprised the dramatic shifts I see from using Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. When it comes to fertility acupuncture my approach is simple, my main goal is to normalize your BBT and normalize your menstrual cycle. In turn this gives you the best chance possible at getting pregnant. No matter what your BBT looks like, there is always something we can do to help normalize and optimize it.

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Picture of Dr. Josh Hanson, DACM

Dr. Josh Hanson, DACM

Dr. Josh Hanson specializes in treating complex chronic conditions integrating Eastern Medicine with modern Western approaches. His clinic is in Tampa, FL where patients travel from all over the USA to receive life changing treatment.
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